Daito Co.,LTD for Steel Sales


A system that will always provide the most optimum products

This material, “iron”, seems simple, but actually is quite difficult to handle.
The market price is continually changing, and it is not easy for customers to make sure that they get the best quantity at the best price for the iron products they need.
So, on our own, we hold ample quantities of such iron products.
We are subcontracting with reliable partners to carry out production and processing of these products.Over many years, we have built a track record of ensuring products with the quality that our customers are seeking.

Ability to solve problems

The value that we offer to customers is the know-how we have from thoroughly pursuing cost-effectiveness and combining products in the best way for satisfying the customer’s specifications and intended use of them.
By using a variety of products, we can dramatically lower costs while maintaining quality. In this way, we believe that our mission is to increase customer profitability.

Tokyo branch

Opened Tokyo Branch in October 2023. We became able to provide useful and immidiate information to our customers in especially Eastern area by spending more time for valuable discussion with them.

Delivery Management

Our logistics division is the key for the our annual sales of 100,000tons and for the management of delivery and inventory.
We requests to our transportation company and our manufacturer for the delivery from storage yard to users and the processing companies.
We are eagarly working to reduce costs and contribute to society with strictly adhering to delivery deadlines,
furthermore with reducing burden of carrier and transporter by efficiency of delivery and curbing CO2 emissions.

Main Tasks

  • Delivery request to exclusive car and transport company
  • Sales management, purchase accounting management, payable check payment check
  • Inventory management of bonded warehouse, business warehouse
  • Invoice check for delivery request
  • Storage fee check of bonded warehouse, business warehouse

Processing Management

We outsource our work to steel processing specialists throughout Japan.
We can provide our products just in time.

Main Tasks

  • Delivery date management of processed goods
  • Acceptance processing of processed products, cost control
  • Inventory management such as loading of processing base materials, shipping products, deposited inventory
  • Check processing fee